All Year | 6:00AM
All levels 3.6 mile group run around the Back Cove Trail. This is a wide, non-technical dirt trail, and we run all year. Meet at Sebago to the Sea parking lot at 814-832 Baxter Blvd., Portland, ME 04103

All Year | 6:00PM
Our most heavily attended social group run. We meet at a different brewery/bar each week and go out on a 3 to 4 mile urban road run, then socialize post-run. This run goes all year.

April - October | 6:00PM
A great way to explore the green spaces in the Greater Portland area. We rotate between trails each week. This is a seasonal run, April to October, when the trails are at their best!

8:30 (spring/summer) 9am (fall/winter)
This run changes seasonally – in winter we meet at coffee shops and run a road route for safety. In summer, we hit the trails and grab coffee / breakfast after the run. These runs always have a designated route, but distance is dependent on current training and fitness needs.


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